Can create a super clean air zone without surrounding it


Can create a super clean air zone without surrounding it

KOACH can create a clean air environment by blowing off a unique airflow despite the absence of a ceiling and a wall.

A clean bench has provided limited workability

A conventional clean bench supplies air purified through a high-performance filter (HEPA filter, ULPA filter, etc.) into the enclosed box and gradually dilutes the inrenal air to form a clean air zone.
Since it is an enclosed box, problems of the clean bench are that it is difficult to work because only the hands can be inserted, and large equipment cannot be permitted. In addition, the clean bench encloses the work space to prevent outside air from entering, but at the same time, it has a negative aspect that it is difficult to discharge contaminants generated inside during work into the outside.

KOACH does not harm workability because the work space is not enclosed

Since the work space is not enclosed in the KOACH unlike a conventional clean bench, a worker can clearly see the item being worked on and look into a microscope directly rather than through a acrylic plate. Furthermore, face-to-face work, which was difficult with conventional clean benches, is possible. At an optional eqiupment company, which has installed the KOACH in their inspection process, workers sit face-to-face with each other to perform inspection. They are pleased that the inspection time becomes shorter than before.

Example of the use of a microscope

Example of a face-to-face layout